
We rely on donations from individuals, businesses and churches - people just like you. Your generosity means Robes can keep making a big difference to those experiencing homelessness.

Whether it’s a monthly direct debit or a one-off donation, a little can go a long way. We use JustGiving to collect donations - click on the link below and you’ll be taken to Robes’ JustGiving page. If you’re eligible, add Gift Aid to make your contribution go even further.


Buy Essential Items for our Homeless Guests

Donate to help us buy vital tools for our homeless guests

  • A mobile phone to ensure a guest can keep in touch with their support network and access essential services.

  • A passport, providing ID which is essential for employment, bank accounts and access to benefits.

  • New home starter pack including essentials such as a kettle. kitchenware and bedding.

If you would rather donate by bank transfer, our details are:

Account Name: Robes Project R/C

Account Number: 65842999

Sort Code: 08-92-99

For any queries, please email our finance team:

Alternatively, you can send a cheque payable to Robes Project (you can request our address via the link below). Make your gift go even further: if you’re able to complete a Gift Aid Form and send it in with your cheque, you’ll be boosting your contribution by 25p for every £1 you donate.